Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg support high-temperature superconductors for the aluminium production

Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein jointly support high-temperature superconducttors for the production of high-purity aluminum at TRIMET in Hamburg
Efficiency in industry means climate protection and CO2 savings. To further improve this, Schleswig-Holstein's Minister Jan Philipp Albrecht and Hamburg's Energy Senator Jens Kerstan have expressed their support in a joint letter of support for an application by TRIMET Aluminium SE and Vision Electric Super Conductors GmbH (VESC) for funding to the EU Commission.
The links below provide the complete press releases of the states (German language):
Pressemitteilung der Landesregierung Schleswig-Holstein
Pressemitteilung der Hamburger Behörde für Umwelt, Klima, Energie und Agrarwirtschaft
Letter of Support to the EU-Commission